Featured Webinar for Acumatica Customers and Partners

Boost Your Acumatica ROI and Accelerate Your Business Processes!

11 AM PT / 2 PM ET

Learn How to Build a Compelling ROI Business Case for Intelligent Data Capture

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While cloud ERP systems like Acumatica do an excellent job managing an organization’s payment terms, supplier data, policies, invoice information, and financial data, they are hampered in their ability to drive accounts payable efficiency and innovation by manual, paper-based processes.

As a result:

  • Data fed into the ERP system is incomplete, incorrect or not timely
  • Processes are inefficient, inflexible and difficult to maintain from a compliance perspective
  • Decision-makers are not empowered with access to key variables

Making the business case for process automation should be a slam dunk for most organizations. But the KEYS to achieving executive sponsorship and authority go beyond focusing on tactical wins and ROI calculations.

Learn How to Turn Decision-Makers into Champions for Business Process Automation

Join Dawn Jaeger at Acumatica and Jeffrey Moore from Artsyl to learn how to build a business case to secure budget and achieve executive sponsorship for integrated intelligent data capture initiatives.

During this complimentary webinar, you’ll learn about how to make a compelling case for automating business processes with intelligent data capture, including bottom line benefits of:

  • Automatic document sorting, classification and data extraction
  • Reducing/eliminating manual processes by automatically inputting data from extracted documents and forms
  • Reduction of manual related errors by validating source data based on a variety of algorithms and business rules
  • Automating workflow routing of data and documents
  • Automatically creating audit trails, documents, and decisions for any defined process.

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