Document Processing Services: Outsourcing or In-House? We Help to Choose

Happy business manager explores the pros and cons of document processing services

Streamline document processing! We look at outsourcing vs. in-house document processing. Explore how in-house solutions offer control, scalability, and cost savings. Let's help you choose the right path!

The paper (or perhaps digital) trail never seems to end. Every business, regardless of size or industry, generates a constant stream of documents – invoices, contracts, applications, legal forms, the list goes on. Managing this document deluge is crucial, but it can be a monumental task, consuming valuable resources and hindering productivity.

This is where document processing comes in. But the question remains – is it more efficient and cost-effective to tackle document processing in-house or outsource it to a service bureau?

This article takes a closer look at document processing, exploring both sides of the coin. Keep reading to:

  • Learn the document processing challenges in the modern workspace.
  • Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) companies like Accenture vs service bureaus — who can handle your document processing?
  • Explore the advantages of tackling document processing in-house, utilizing solutions like docAlpha.
  • Unlock potential cost savings and control benefits to keeping document processing under your own roof.

Ready to conquer the document mountain? Let’s explore both options and help you decide which path is right for your organization!

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Choose docAlpha for Ultimate Control!

Unlike outsourcing to BPOs, docAlpha’s document automation keeps your data in-house, giving you complete control over your sensitive information. Maintain data security and compliance with ease.

Document Processing: The Backbone of Business, But Rife with Challenges

In today’s information age, documents are the lifeblood of most businesses. From invoices and contracts to customer records and marketing materials, efficient document processing is critical for smooth operations, accurate data analysis, and regulatory compliance.

However, managing the document processing workflow can be a complex and time-consuming task, riddled with challenges. Here are some of the most common hurdles businesses face:

Manual Data Entry in Document Processing

Traditionally, much document processing relies on manual data entry – a tedious, error-prone, and labor-intensive process. Keying in information from paper documents or scanned PDFs takes valuable time away from more strategic tasks and can lead to inaccuracies that cause downstream problems.

Why Document Format Inconsistency Happens in Document Processing?

Businesses often deal with a wide variety of document formats – from PDFs and Word documents to emails and handwritten forms. This inconsistency makes it difficult to automate processing and requires manual intervention for each different format.

READ MORE: 7 Benefits of Document Processing Automation

How to Deal with Data Extraction Errors in Document Processing

Extracting accurate information from documents can be challenging, especially for handwritten documents, poorly scanned images, or documents with complex layouts. Errors in data extraction can lead to incorrect information in databases, hindering decision-making and causing delays.

Version Control and Security in Document Processing

Keeping track of multiple document versions and ensuring proper access control can be a significant challenge. Manual processes leave room for human error, potentially leading to the loss of critical documents or unauthorized access to sensitive information.

Document Processing and Scalability Issues

As businesses grow, the volume of documents they need to process often increases. Manual processing methods simply don’t scale well, leading to backlogs and delays when dealing with large document volumes that need to be transported to ERPs.

Compliance Requirements in Document Processing

Many industries have specific document retention and security regulations. Manual processes make it difficult to ensure compliance, putting businesses at risk of fines or legal repercussions.

These document processing challenges highlight the need for efficient and reliable document processing solutions. By addressing these hurdles, businesses can streamline workflows, improve data accuracy, and achieve greater control over their document management processes.

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Who Can Handle Document Processing for Businesses

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and service bureaus are both third-party entities that handle business processes for companies, but they differ in several key aspects. Here’s a detailed comparison:

Scope of Services: BPOs vs Service Bureaus

BPOs offer a broad range of services that can encompass entire business processes or functions. This can include customer service, HR, finance and accounting, IT services, legal services, and more. They often manage entire business processes from start to finish, providing a complete outsourcing solution, including document processing services.

Service bureaus typically offer specialized or niche services, focusing on specific tasks or functions within a business process. Examples include data entry, payroll processing, printing, mailing services, or document scanning. They usually handle discrete tasks rather than complete end-to-end processes.

Business Model: BPOs vs Service Bureaus

BPOs like Pontica Solutions or Mindy Support often engage in long-term contracts with clients, forming strategic partnerships that evolve over time. They aim to integrate closely with the client’s operations, often taking over significant parts of the business processes.

Service bureaus may operate on a more transactional basis, providing services as needed rather than forming long-term strategic partnerships. They focus on specific tasks that are outsourced to them, often without integrating deeply into the client’s broader business processes.

FIND OUT MORE: AP Invoice Automation: Streamlining Document Processing in AP

Technology and Infrastructure: BPOs vs Service Bureaus

BPOs often invest heavily in technology and infrastructure to manage complex and large-scale business processes. This includes CRM systems, ERP solutions, AI, and automation tools. They leverage IT-driven solutions to optimize and streamline business processes, often providing clients with access to advanced technology.

Service bureaus invest in technology that is specific to the services they provide, such as printing machines for a printing bureau or specialized software for data entry. Their technological investments are usually less comprehensive compared to BPOs, focusing on efficiency in specific tasks.

Overall, BPOs act as strategic partners, often becoming an extension of the client’s business. They collaborate closely to understand and achieve business objectives. There is a high level of engagement and communication between the client and the BPO to ensure alignment with business goals.

Service bureaus function more as service providers than strategic partners. The relationship is often more transactional and less integrated. Interaction is typically limited to the scope of the specific services provided, with less involvement in the client’s broader business strategy.

While both BPOs and service bureaus provide valuable outsourcing solutions, they cater to different needs and operate on distinct models. BPOs offer comprehensive, long-term solutions that integrate deeply with a client’s business processes, while service bureaus provide specialized, task-specific services on a more transactional basis.

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Unveiling the Profit Potential of In-House Document Processing

While outsourcing document processing offers a convenient solution, many organizations are strategically choosing to keep it in-house.

This approach, often facilitated by document processing solutions like docAlpha, unlocks a range of benefits that can translate to significant cost savings and greater control over your data. Here’s why some companies prefer the in-house route.

Cost Efficiency in Document Processing

Outsourcing can come at a premium. By handling document processing internally, organizations can potentially save on service fees typically charged by BPO companies. While there’s an initial investment in document processing software like docAlpha, it can be a cost-effective solution in the long run, especially for businesses with high document volumes.

LEARN MORE: Document OCR – Simplifying Work Processes

Data Security and Control

Documents often contain sensitive information. Outsourcing raises concerns about data security and potential breaches. In-house processing allows organizations to maintain complete control over their data, ensuring it remains secure within their own IT infrastructure. This is particularly important for companies in highly regulated industries with strict data privacy requirements.

Document Processing Customization and Flexibility

In-house solutions like docAlpha offer greater customization options. Organizations can tailor the document processing workflow to their specific needs and document formats, ensuring optimal efficiency for their unique operations. Outsourcing providers may not offer the same level of customization, forcing businesses to adapt to their existing processes.

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Improved Visibility and Scalability

In-house processing allows for real-time tracking and monitoring of the document processing workflow. Organizations gain valuable insights into processing times, bottlenecks, and areas for improvement. Additionally, scalable document processing solutions like docAlpha can adapt to growing document volumes, ensuring efficient processing without relying on external resources.

Knowledge Retention and Expertise

By handling document processing internally, organizations develop in-house expertise in document management and data extraction. This knowledge can be important for optimizing processes, troubleshooting issues, and ensuring long-term efficiency.

Increased Employee Productivity

Outsourcing document processing can sometimes create a disconnect between data entry tasks and core business functions. By handling it in-house, organizations can potentially streamline information flow and improve employee productivity by integrating document processing with existing workflows.

While outsourcing offers convenience, in-house document processing can be a more cost-effective and secure solution in the long run. docAlpha intelligent document automation empowers organizations with greater control, flexibility, and scalability, ultimately boosting profitability and streamlining document management processes.

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Document Processing in Detail: Key Terms to Know

What is the Role of Optical Character Recognition?

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a technology used to convert different types of documents, such as scanned paper documents, PDFs, or images captured by a digital camera, into editable and searchable data.

OCR software analyzes the patterns of light and dark that make up letters and numbers in images and translates them into text that can be edited or searched in a word processing program.

OCR technology is widely used to digitize printed texts so that they can be electronically edited, searched, and stored more compactly. OCR is especially valuable for automating data entry processes, reducing the need for manual data input.

DISCOVER MORE: OCR Capture & AI in Document Processing & Management

How Important is Data Extraction?

Data extraction is crucial for converting raw data into a usable format, enabling efficient data processing and analysis. Data extraction is the process of retrieving specific data from unstructured or semi-structured sources for use in various applications.

Data extraction in document processing involves identifying and extracting relevant information from documents, images, or other data formats, often using automated tools like OCR, machine learning, or natural language processing. Extracted data is then typically cleaned, structured, and imported into databases or used for further analysis.

What Is Document Imaging?

Document imaging refers to the practice of converting paper documents into digital images. This process involves scanning physical documents to create electronic versions that can be stored, retrieved, and managed digitally.

Document imaging improves accessibility and security of documents, as digital files can be easily shared, indexed, and protected against physical damage. It also facilitates easier organization and retrieval of information, enhancing overall efficiency in document management.

What is the Role of Document Management Systems?

A Document Management System (DMS) is a software solution designed to store, manage, and track electronic documents and images of paper documents. DMS provides functionalities such as document storage, version control, access control, and search capabilities, streamlining the process of managing and retrieving documents.

What is the Role of Document Management Systems?

By centralizing document management, a DMS helps organizations reduce the risk of document loss, ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, and improve workflow efficiency. It supports collaboration and ensures that the right documents are accessible to authorized users at the right time.

What Is Indexing in Document Processing?

Indexing in document processing refers to the method of creating a structured catalog of document content to facilitate easy retrieval and organization. This involves assigning keywords, metadata, or other identifiers to documents, enabling quick search and access to relevant information.

Document processing indexing helps in efficiently managing large volumes of documents by providing a systematic way to locate and retrieve specific data. It is an essential component of document management systems, enhancing the usability and navigability of digital document repositories.

How to Achieve Workflow Automation?

Workflow automation in document processing involves the use of software to automate routine tasks and processes related to document handling. This includes routing documents for approvals, notifying stakeholders of required actions, and ensuring compliance with predefined business rules.

Automating document workflows reduces manual intervention, minimizes errors, and speeds up processing times, leading to greater efficiency and productivity. It also provides visibility and tracking of document statuses, improving overall process management and accountability.

What Is Forms Processing in Context of Document Processing?

Forms processing is the method of extracting information from structured documents such as invoices, surveys, or application forms. This process typically involves scanning the forms, using OCR to recognize text and numbers, and then validating and storing the extracted data in a database. Forms processing helps organizations automate data entry tasks, reducing the time and effort required to input data manually. It enhances accuracy and efficiency, allowing for faster processing and analysis of large volumes of forms.

What is the Role of Metadata?

Metadata is data that provides information about other data, helping to organize, find, and understand it. In document processing, metadata includes information such as the author, date created, date modified, file size, and keywords associated with a document.

Metadata is crucial for managing and retrieving documents efficiently, as it enables users to perform targeted searches and categorize documents appropriately. It enhances the accessibility and usability of digital documents by providing context and additional details about the content.

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Final Thoughts: Choosing the Right Document Processing Path

The decision between in-house and outsourced document processing depends on individual needs. If data security, customization, and long-term cost efficiency are priorities, in-house processing with docAlpha can be a strategic choice. However, for businesses with fluctuating document volumes or limited internal resources, outsourcing might be a better temporary solution.

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